A simple proposal to reduce vehicle emissions
A new global alliance promoting the voluntary adoption of an independent on-road vehicle emissions test and rating system. http://www.allowair.org/
A new global alliance promoting the voluntary adoption of an independent on-road vehicle emissions test and rating system. http://www.allowair.org/
Urban particulate air pollution is a serious health issue. Trees within cities can remove fine particles from the atmosphere and consequently improve air quality and human health. Tree effects on PM2.5 concentrations and human health are modeled for 10 U.S. cities. The total amount of PM2.5 removed annually by trees varied from 4.7 tonnes in […]
see this link: https://cchealth.org/hazmat/accident-history.php
Details in http://www.baaqmd.gov/~/media/Files/Planning%20and%20Research/CARE%20Program/Documents/ImpactCommunities_2_Methodology.ashx?la=en
In the US, exposure to very fine particulate matter known as PM2.5 is considered safe by the US Environmental Protection Agency’s national ambient air quality standards so long as a person breathes in an average of 12 micrograms per cubic meter of air (μg/m3) or less per day over the duration of a year. In the short […]
West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project (WOEIP) http://www.woeip.org/ Coalition for Clean Air http://www.ccair.org/ Family for Clean Air http://www.familiesforcleanair.org/ Sunflower Alliance https://www.sunflower-alliance.org/ Communities for a better environment www.cbecal.org/ 350 Bay area https://350bayarea.org/ Map Web Service: Real-time Air Quality Tile API http://aqicn.org/faq/2015-09-18/map-web-service-real-time-air-quality-tile-api/cn/
From International Journal of Molecular Sciences Abstract Air pollution of anthropogenic origin is largely from the combustion of biomass (e.g., wood), fossil fuels (e.g., cars and trucks), incinerators, landfills, agricultural activities and tobacco smoke. Air pollution is a complex mixture that varies in space and time, and contains hundreds of compounds including volatile organic compounds […]