Art For Air 2023 Winners Gallery
Grand Prize Winner
Samantha Ventura – “The Importance of Healthy Air”
My drawing is mostly about what healthy air helps us with and how important it is. It’s also about how we need healthy air in our daily lives.

5-12 Years Old Winners
5-12 1st Prize – Alexandra Ventura – “What Healthy Air Means to Me”
This drawing shows how with healthy Air you can do many outside activities such as walking, biking and hiking and throwing parties. In addition, Healthy Air mean to me that you no longer need to wear a mask because of the harmful air that is caused because if many things for example fires. Healthy Air also means to me that there would be less illness around which as a result would be less people sick. Lastly, I also believe that healthy Air means Healthy Food and Drinks. For Example, if a cow is sick, it would most likley produce unhealthy milk for the people. This show what Healthy Air means to me.

5-12 2nd Prize – Serena Ellis – “Planet Goodbad”
This is a picture of Planet Goodbad a planet where half is good with clean water, no trash, & clean air, the other half has polluted air from chemicals burning, trash pouring into the water causing it to become polluted. if you ask you self what part of the planet do you think you would belong to?

5-12 3rd Prize – Serenity Ellis – “Green Planet”
A green planet is a clean planet.

13-17 Years Old Winners
13-17 First Prize – Amelie Polycarpe – “Windswept Warbles”
Staring out into the ocean as the wind sweeps the sounds of warbling birds into a melodious tune.

13-17 Second Prize – Luisa Perez – “Avian Smoke“
This piece shows that the air is so bad that the birds drag it through the sky.

13-17 Third Prize – Janiyah Jackson – “The Night”
Painted at the One People Tribe “Free the Art” Paint Party.

18+ Years Old Winners
18+ First Prize – Veronica Manzo – “Enjoyable Day Outside”
When we keep our air clean it helps us to breath better nos just us if not the animals are healthier, too. We can grow fruit and vegetables and enjoy the beautiful weather outside; playing, hiking or just simple taking a walk without mask. Because our air is clean. And we can continue making our outside activities and have fun!

18+ Second Prize – Channa Booker – “Clear Sights”
A glimpse into the transfer of the mind scanning the vast sky skimming the air and filtering it though mind and sight. Clean air means clear skies and clear minds.

18+ Third Prize – Jordyn Kosai – “Happy Lungs, Happy Life“
When we have clean air we can more freely enjoy the small things in life, like smelling the flowers, without worry for our health. Please keep the air clean! <3